All set to launch Rock’n’Roll in the charming surrounds of Lugano, Summer Jamboree on the Lake is the vintage event ready to take the banks of the Ceresio by storm. The event will take place for the second time in Switzerland from 22 to 25 June 2023.
A new unmissable opportunity for 40s and 50s enthusiasts to unite with a carefree happy-go-lucky public in search of good-times and that little something extra than your average holiday.
The Summer Jamboree on the Lake presents a prestigious programme of events in homage to a most extraordinary and inspiring era, there will be live Concerts, a Dance Camp with top international teachers, a Vintage Market with countless hand-selected traders, a Burlesque and Cabaret Show, and much much more…
Lucky Shooter DE
At’s Crazy Record Hop NL
Blip Blop DE
Jay Cee FRA
Rocketeer ITA
Madame Dynamite UK
Heidi DE
Shuffle DeLuxe CH
È fantastico, viene gente da tutto il mondo. Dagli Stati Uniti, dall’Inghilterra, da tutte le parti, da Roma, da ogni parte vengono qui al Festival a Senigallia. Sono tutti molto felici, vengono per il rock’n’roll e tutto il resto. C’è buonumore. È una gioia essere qui.
We’re back safe and sound in St. Louis… just wanted to tell you what a wonderful job you folks did with the festival. In my humble opinion from an artist/sideman’s perspective (based on playing similar festivals in Europe/U.S. for the past 15 years), the Summer Jamboree is easily the professional standard by which all roots festivals should be measured worldwide, end of story…
…il Summer Jamboree rappresenta una occasione molto speciale per vivere e apprezzare lo Swing, il Rock’n’Roll e la straordinaria cultura musicale di quell’epoca, rendendoci felici.
Siete un pubblico fantastico! Sono molto felice di essere qui! Voglio ritornare anche il prossimo anno.
A quelli di Senigallia verrà riservato un posto d’onore nel Regno dei Cieli, perché sono arrivati ad una ennesima straordinaria edizione di Summer Jamboree non so come fanno probabilmente c’è l’aiuto Divino.
Swing Dance, cultura popolare e stile di vita Rock’n’Roll convivono nel miglior Festival del genere.
il Summer Jamboree di Senigallia è un "very big big" Festival.
A Senigallia. Quel posto sul mare Adriatico, 45000 abitanti, che ogni anno all’inizio di agosto viene trasformato in una poesia in cui tutto si muove e balla, lodando una vita di un tempo passato, anche se sembra ancora presente. Si tratta del “Summer Jamboree – The hottest rockin‘ holiday on earth”, il più grande festival d’Europa in onore della cultura americana degli anni 40 e 50 e del Rock’n’Roll. Ma c’è di più. È un viaggio alle radici del nostro desiderio: essere comunque felici.
A Senigallia i primi giorni di agosto non ci si arriva con auto, treno o aereo. Ci si arriva con la macchina del tempo. Qui dal 2000 si tiene il Summer Jamboree, il festival più importante in Europa dedicato alla musica e alla cultura dell’America degli anni ’50. […]
Nel numero del 18 Agosto 2009, perfino Topolino ha voluto rendere omaggio al Summer Jamboree dedicando una striscia a fumetti agli anni ’50. Il protagonista è Paperino negli anni ’50 e il titolo del fumetto è “Donald, juke box hero“. E alla fine della storia il consiglio di “Topolino” per l’estate: “Leggere Donald, juke box hero vi ha fatto sognare gli anni ’50? Ecco il Summer Jamboree” con due intere pagine della rivista con foto e info dedicate al Festival.
La vacanza rock più calda della terra». Così i vacanzieri della riviera marchigiana hanno battezzato il Summer Jamboree, festival internazionale di musica e cultura anni 40 e 50 che ritorna da oggi a domenica 9 agosto per la 16esima edizione. Arrivano dal Messico e dalle Hawaii, dalla Russia e dal Giappone, dal Regno e dalla Germania (soprattutto) le 350mila persone che ogni anno affollano Senigallia, per vivere la vacanza con l’aria di gioia, relax, divertimento tipici del dopoguerra…
Un appuntamento imperdibile per tutti gli appassionati del rock primigenio, dello stile American Graffiti, delle macchine con le pinne, degli imponenti ciuffi impomatati e delle ragazze con le gonne a sbalzo e le ballerine. Stiamo parlando del Summer Jambore Festival, Senigallia (AN), manifestazione internazionale di musica e cultura americana compresa tra gli anni 40 e 50, uno dei tre più grandi e importanti raduni di questo genere.
Rock & Brillantina, musica e cultura dell’America (quella bella) degli anni Quaranta e Cinquanta per dieci giorni filati a Senigallia che si conferma capitale europea del rock’n’roll con il Summer Jamboree.
In the heart of Switzerland 4 days of free concerts with extraordinary international artists prove that Rock’n’Roll is still alive and kicking in all its many guises: R’n’R, Swing, Country, Rockabilly, Rhythm’n’Blues, Hillbilly, Doo-wop, Western swing.
Dancers, DJs, and top bands from all around the world pay homage to an awe-inspiring era immortalised in joyful, carefree rhythms. Not to miss unique concerts, one-off performances, and unforgettable good times. Don’t miss your chance to immerse yourself in the music and lose yourself in the joys of Swing and Rock’n’Roll dancing!
Free Dance Lessons to learn the basics of swing and take those all important first steps onto the dancefloor… After-parties to carry on dancing all night long. A collection of the “crème de la crème” of international dancers and teachers on hand for beginners and seasoned dancers alike for an unforgettable 4 day experience.
An extraordinary opportunity to meet, and learn first hand from the best swing dancers in the world.
The Vintage Market is jam-packed with modern antiques, memorabilia, and collectible items: clothing, shoes, accessories, authentic originals and mind-blowing reproductions.
A vintage treasure hunt with bargains and goodies galore! Join the vintage revival and get the 50s look!
The Burlesque Show at Summer Jamboree on the Lake. The art that mixes sensuality, vintage aesthetics, and cabaret, with a wicked sense of humour, first came to Italy in 2005 thanks to the Summer Jamboree. And the Festival continues to host artists from all around the world performing this niche and sexy art which alternates moments of seductive provocation with comedy and tease. The finest international artists enact their theatrical performances at exclusive locations at the Festival.
World champions and world class swing dancers and teachers show us how it’s really done. Watch their graceful poise and contagious joyful energy as they showcase the evolution of dance from the 20s through to the 50s; Charleston, Collegiate Shag, Balboa, Lindy Hop, Solo Jazz, Jive, Boogie Woogie… And with an incredible team of top international DJs providing tens of hours of Record Hops around the delightful city and lake of Lugano, you too will have the chance to social dance to your heart’s content.
The four day International Festival Summer Jamboree on the Lake takes place in Lugano, and will see a 1950s American dream diffuse along the lakefront and into the various town squares.
There will be two stages from which you can catch the live concerts in Piazza della Riforma and Parco Ciani, a Car park for pre-1969 Oldtimers (which for the first 2 days will be spread over Piazza Luini, Piazza Battaglini, Piazza Rezzonico and Piazza Indipendenza, and for the last 2 days shall proudly occupy the lakeside along Lungolago Riva Albertolli), a Vintage Market bursting with vintage clothes and antiques traders, and sumptuous street food stalls in Piazza Manzoni, and Record Hops a-go-go in Piazza della Riforma and Parco Ciani.
Rockin’ Village 10.00 – 01.00
Vintage Market: Piazza Manzoni
Park Auto USA pre 1969: Piazza Luini, Piazza Battaglini, Piazza Rezzonico, Piazza Indipendenza
Park Moto Vintage, Custom & Cafe Racer: Piazza Rezzonico
Street Food & Drink: Piazza Manzoni, Parco Ciani
Parco Ciani
13.15 – 14.30 DJ Rocketeer
14.30 – 16.00 DJ Lucky Shooter
16.45 – 17.00 DJ Blip Blop
17.00 – 17.30 Soundcheck
17.30 – 19.00 DJ Blip Blop
19.00 – 20.30 DJ Madame Dynamite
21.45 – 23.15 DJ At’s Crazy Record Hop
23.15 – 00.45 DJ Shuffle DeLuxe
00.45 – 02.00 DJ Jay Cee
Main Stage | Piazza della Riforma
16.00 – 17.00 Soundcheck
17.00 – 18.00 DJ Shuffle DeLuxe
18.00 – 19.00 Lezione di ballo gratuita | Free dance lesson
19.00 – 20.30 DJ Rocketeer
20.30 – 22.00 DJ Lucky Shooter
22.00 – 23.00 GIZZELLE USA*
23.00 – 00.00 DJ Heidi
00.00 – 01.00 DJ Blip Blop
Villa Ciani | Via Canova
10.00 – 18.00 Dance Camp
Ex Asilo Ciani | Viale Carlo Cattaneo
14.30 – 18.00 Boot Camp
Rockin’ Village 10.00 – 01.00
Vintage Market: Piazza Manzoni
Park Auto USA pre 1969: Piazza Luini, Piazza Battaglini, Piazza Rezzonico, Piazza Indipendenza
Park Moto Vintage, Custom & Cafe Racer: Piazza Rezzonico
Street Food & Drink: Piazza Manzoni, Parco Ciani
Parco Ciani
13.15 – 14.30 DJ Madame Dynamite
14.30 – 16.00 DJ Shuffle DeLuxe
16.45 – 17.00 DJ Heidi
17.00 – 17.30 Soundcheck
17.30 – 19.00 DJ Heidi
19.00 – 20.30 DJ Jay Cee
20.30 – 22.00 DJ Blip Blop
23.15 – 00.00 DJ Lucky Shooter
00.45 – 02.00 DJ Rocketeer
Main Stage | Piazza della Riforma
15.00 – 17.00 Soundcheck
17.00 – 18.00 DJ Lucky Shooter
18.00 – 19.00 Lezione di ballo gratuita | Free dance lesson
19.00 – 20.30 DJ At’s Crazy Record Hop
20.30 – 21.45 ALAN POWER UK* special guests Pat Reyford and The New Tones
21.45 – 23.30 DJ Heidi
23.30 – 00.45 TAMMI SAVOY USA**
00.45 – 01.00 DJ Heidi
Villa Ciani | Via Canova
10.00 – 18.00 Dance Camp
Ex Asilo Ciani | Viale Carlo Cattaneo
14.30 – 18.00 Boot Camp
Rockin’ Village 10.00 – 01.00
Vintage Market: Piazza Manzoni
Park Auto USA pre 1969: Riva Albertolli (Lungolago)
Park Moto Vintage, Custom & Cafe Racer: Piazza Rezzonico
Street Food & Drink: Piazza Manzoni, Parco Ciani
Parco Ciani
12.30 – 13.15 THE NEW TONES ITA
13.15 – 14.30 DJ Heidi
14.30 – 16.00 DJ At’s Crazy Record Hop
16.00 – 16.45 THE NEW TONES ITA
16.45 – 17.00 DJ Rocketeer
17.00 – 18.00 Soundcheck
18.00 – 19.00 DJ Rocketeer
20.15 – 22.00 DJ Madame Dynamite
23.15 – 00.30 DJ Shuffle DeLuxe
00.30 – 01.45 DJ Rocketeer
01.45 – 03.00 DJ Lucky Shooter
Main Stage | Piazza della Riforma
15.00 – 17.00 Soundcheck
17.00 – 18.00 DJ Lucky Shooter
18.00 – 19.00 Lezione di ballo gratuita | Free dance lesson
19.00 – 20.15 DJ Heidi
20.15 – 21.30 DJ Blip Blop
21.45 – 22.30 DJ At’s Crazy Record Hop
22.30 – 23.00 DANCE SHOW
23.00 – 23.30 DJ Jay Cee
00.30 – 01.00 DJ Jay Cee
Villa Ciani | Via Canova
10.00 – 18.00 Dance Camp
Ex Asilo Ciani | Viale Carlo Cattaneo
14.30 – 18.00 Boot Camp
Rockin’ Village 10.00 – 22.00
Vintage Market: Piazza Manzoni
Park Auto USA pre 1969: Riva Albertolli (Lungolago)
Park Moto Vintage, Custom & Cafe Racer: Piazza Rezzonico
Street Food & Drink: Piazza Manzoni, Parco Ciani
Parco Ciani
12.30 – 13.15 P-51 AIRPLANES ITA
13.15 – 14.30 DJ Shuffle DeLuxe
14.30 – 16.00 DJ At’s Crazy Record Hop
16.00 – 16.45 PEP TORRES USA
16.45 – 18.00 DJ Heidi
18.00 – 19.00 DJ Blip Blop
19.00 – 19.45 P-51 AIRPLANES ITA
19.45 – 21.00 DJ Lucky Shooter
21.00 – 22.00 DJ At’s Crazy Record Hop
22.00 – 22.45 PEP TORRES USA
22.45 – 00.00 DJ Jay Cee
00.00 – 01.00 DJ Shuffle DeLuxe
Main Stage | Piazza della Riforma
16.00 – 17.00 Soundcheck
17.00 – 18.30 DJ Madame Dynamite
18.30 – 20.00 DJ Rocketeer
20.00 – 21.15 SI CRANSTOUN UK
21.15 – 21.30 DJ Rocketeer
Presentatori | MC
Bianca Nevius ITA
Russell Bruner USA
*Featuring Summer Jamboree House Band:
Here are all the directions you need to get to the Summer Jamboree on the Lake in Lugano.
Whether you’re coming from down the road, or the other side of the world, come and experience the joyful 40s and 50s Americana atmosphere first hand!
The closest airport is Milano Malpensa. It is 60km (60 mins) away from Lugano.
Bus: There is a shuttle service from Malpensa airport to Chiasso, Mendrisio, and Lugano.
Taxi: Taxi ranks can be found in Arrivals on the ground floor at door 6 of Terminal 1 and door 4 of Terminal 2.
Lugano is well connected with many cities (including Milan) by rail.
The railway station is only 10 minutes from the city centre so well within walking distance. Alternatively you could catch a FUNIBUS; the funicolare runs continuously from 5am to 12am and gets you to Piazza Cioccaro in approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds.
From Milan: take the autostrada A9 dei Laghi towards Como-San Gottardo, or autostrada A8 towards Varese-Stabio (Gaggiolo). Recommended exit: Lugano SUD.
From Zurich: take the autostrada A2 towards San Gottardo-Chiasso-Italia.
Recommended exit: Lugano NORD.
Bus: There is a shuttle service from Malpensa airport to Chiasso, Mendrisio, and Lugano.
From the north: from the north of Switzerland it’s possible to arrive in Ticino via the scenic route, take advantage of breathtaking Alpine views and pass through Sempione, Novena, Lucomagno and San Bernardino.
From Milan: take autostrada A9 dei Laghi towards Como-San Gottardo, or autostrada A8 towards Varese-Stabio (Gaggiolo). Recommended exit: Lugano SUD.
From Zurich: take autostrada A2 towards San Gottardo-Chiasso-Italia.
Recommended exit: Lugano NORD.
Come to the Summer Jamboree with your pre 1969 American car and discover the benefits in store for you.
Online registration is now closed, however if you have a pre-1969 American Classic Car you can still register directly at the infopoint at the Summer Jamboree on the Lake in Piazza Manzoni in Lugano, from 22-25 June, between the hours of 10am – 10pm.
Here you will find all the answers to commonly asked questions about Summer Jamboree on the lake.
The Summer Jamboree is happy to respond to individual requests and meet specific requirements wherever possible to make your experience at the Festival of 40s and 50s American music and culture a positive and memorable one.
The second edition of the Summer Jamboree on the Lake will take place from 22 to 25 June in Lugano, in the heart of Ticino, Switzerland.
It is free to attend the outdoor concerts, the Dance Show, and other programmed outdoor events. Only the Dance Camp, Burlesque & Cabaret Show are ticketed.
Click here and find accommodation in Lugano that best suits your needs so as not to miss the Summer Jamboree on the Lake.
Yes of course! Go to our Oldtimers section and request your exclusive pass to access the American Classic Car Cruise, the Rockin’ Car Park, and other benefits during the Festival.
During the Summer Jamboree our merchandise is available exclusively at our pop-up store. Alternatively you can access our official online shop all year round. Just click here!
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